Thursday, June 23, 2011

Our Lives Are Made In These Small Hours

  So, here is my first attempt at posting on here. I don't know how faithful I'll be in keeping up with it. My life is pretty hectic, and there are a lot of things that could hinder regularity. But I'll do the best I can!

  Right now my life is just full of college studies and responsibilities. It can get monotonous and sometimes down right depressing. But like my mom keeps reminding me, and as God is showing me more and more every day, this is just a season in life; "small hours".

  That's basically what I want to write about here, the small hours. The little things that make up life. The things that change the other-wise normal days into the not-so-normal. 

  Rob Thomas' song "Small Wonders" is what inspired me to keep up with this blog. The chorus especially so:

Our lives are made in these small hours,

These little wonders,

These twists and turns of fate.

Time falls away,

But these small hours,

These small hours still remain.

  Obviously, I don't believe in "twists and turns of fate". I believe that God is in control of every aspect of my life, and that He knows exactly what is going to happen on my life's road. But it's the "small hours" part that really inspired me. The small hours are memories that last when "time falls away". They remain behind.

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