Monday, December 26, 2011

Just 'Cause

I don't think there's going to be much of a rhyme or reason to this post. It's mostly just because I want to write. I've been neglecting my blog lately. I feel bad about it, but I've been way too busy to update it lately. I'm going to try to do better about that.

Christmas is over, the house is empty, presents have been opened, and I've eaten too much. This year didn't really "feel" like Christmas... I guess it's because I've been too busy to really get into the Christmas mood. But I was really happy to spend time with my family. I've seen the importance of being with them. Time is getting shorter and we're all changing. There are only two "kids" left in the fam. Grayson turned twenty on Christmas. I feel old... Haha. Before long, someone will leave. It's real, it's not a future fear. It's coming up in just a few short years here... Wow.

Also, my friends are getting old. School, jobs, dating, marriage, babies, houses, weddings, love, leaving... The round of life has finally "found" us. We knew it would. Just, who knew it would come up this fast?!

Life continues to get better. God is good that way. He never ceases to amaze me. I am totally undeserving of His love and how He continues to show me His grace and love. I've made so many mistakes, but He *always* shows up. I tend to mess up more when I'm angry and/or confused, but He has always held me through all the mistakes and disasters. There's still a long way to go, but I love that God is patient, and that I don't have to do this on my own.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Small, Little, Somewhat of An Update

So. Here's the unveiling of the project that occupied my thoughts and some of my time recently: Stranger(Still) finished recording their new demo album. Yes, it's pretty amazing! The guys worked really hard and gave all they had. It turned out SO good. I'm glad that it's over... Haha! It was just a tad of a stressful project to take on, especially right at the end of the semester. But God was good, and our prayer is that He is glorified through our efforts and talents.